The Process: A short recap

So what's this thing about a game, you say? For the past few months, I've been working on a game project using the Godot game engine in my spare time. For now, I'm calling it The Process. I've decided to start this blog to share my experiences, show my game progress, and discuss anything related to gamedev / programming / modelling!

On the technical side, most of the game is written in GDscript, but I've just started porting the performance sensitive parts to Rust, via GDNative. So expect some technical content about Godot and Rust in here!

For the art, I can proudly say all assets have been (so far) done by me. My main tool for art is SideFX Houdini, with its awesome procedural modelling capabilities. The more organic stuff, like character and animations is done in Blender. And sometimes I also enjoy pretending I know how to paint stuff in Krita.

In The Process, I want to explore creating a factory building game, of the likes of Mindustry, Factorio or Satisfactory, but with a focus on a few distinguishing key points:

I'll be sharing more on those key ideas in later posts as I shape things out. For now, you may enjoy some gifs and screenshots of my current work in progress :) So far, I've been mostly focused on making the factory builder mechanics work: We have a building system in a full 3D world, some colorful looking models, conveyor belts that surprisingly work most of the time, and last but not least, carrot patches!

Building in 3D and running around:

Some conveyor belt carrot action:

More stuff coming soon!

You can also check my posts on Reddit so far: